Thursday, July 21, 2016


Dalam misi mencukupkan 3k utk seminar fabian lim,  krek krek tetiba hari ni kereta bunyi mcam besi berlaga ke apa umpamanya sehingga duit rm150 berlalu pergii.  Huu
Bateri kereta pula sepertinya nak makan duit lagi tuu.  Hemm. Makin berdoa,  makin diuji.  Tergelak sendiri teringat ustaz yusuf mansur cerita tentang orang yang mahu duit,  dicagarnya motor alih alih motor kena curi sewaktu berdoa di masjid.  Rupa2nya allah nak bagi belajar luar negara instead of nk jual motor buat belajar d indonesia saje.
Siapalah azi ini... Kan kan.
Sebenarnya pagi tadi subuh gajah.  Ngee.
Setan ni xbagi bangun tahajud. 
dengan subuh2 sekali xsedar.
Buat dosa allah ambil cash.
Padanlah muka azira.
Sempat lagi cekau buku rich dad poor dad dgn saiful nang. 
Tatau pula kete den buat hal.  Ohohoo. 
Format laptop rm60.  Kau rasa?
Hari2 berikutnya adalah puasa dan megi mee sedap.
Hai sedap sungguh hidup ini aziraa. 
Cari alquran sat noh.
Masjid selat after balik open house aiyun.
dapat bukuuuu. yeay!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Back behind

When they ask me what i wanna be back years ago

I will tell them


And if i able to reverse back the time,  i dun't want to get exposed to those influencer who ask me to be a health and medic people.

Time passed.
And i stranded without the chances was given.
So sad.


Devil escaped after ramadhan and i mingle around with the past.

Everything happen for a reason azi.

Maybe u dislike a thing while it's good for u
Maybe u like a thing while it's evil for u
Allah know and u dunno.
Albaqarah 218

Lets the ambition flies again. ~

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Forest city nusajaya johor

My diettt.

Open housee memanjang.

Berjaya menjejaki johor.
Doa yang disubmit bertahun dahuluu.

Cantek forest city.
Ciptaan allah melalui idea manusia.
Kan kan. 💋

Batu pahat

Sano dan seha anak kelahiran johor.  Seorang pontian seorang batu pahat.
Seringkali i heard sano was telling me about her king,  queen and related.

Accidentally i got restday on saturday and sano just got her hari raya holiday instead of on duty for her patients.  I can see sometimes she went back with sweet sour face talking about irrelevant actions of her patients.

How i adore u act.

Everybody has their own talents
And not all talents belong to work they have to do.

My passions damnly made me missed a kind of related.

I only able to watch from far.

I have to create my destiny!

Keep praying azira!  Wink😘

Sano's home reminded of me my house.
I was kicked from there with mum's.

Kau ado?

Takpelah,  am not interested to review ba k the history.