Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Segan digelar lecturer.
Allah gave me the opportunity to do things as i wish!
Even it just sparked as the instincts.
I wish :
working at pharmacy - having medication knowledge. even a little.
I wish:
being a teacher- for improving my communication skills, give and take, having students.
Tak terkira nikmatmu padakuu walau aku digelar penganggur jalanan.
They insult me, but i take it as compliment.
the next wish will come true.

Hidup nih smeta jah. mati lakoo nati. malah eh nak caro ko mulut oram.
xdok pekdah.
kalu xleh bdakwah, dun't being in the midst.

Tengok adik2 itu.
Segan nak kata depa my students.
Ilmu tak cukup tinggi pun.
Sekadar share apa di minda.
Excited bila depa buat chest measurement, percussion, vibration, 6MWT, auscultation etc.
Itu pahalaaa.
Ikhlas pintu syurga.

when you're going through something hard and you start wondering where Allah is,
just remember,
the Teacher is always quite during a test.

itu dulu.
waktu down.
mana hala tuju hidup.
pernah terlintas di hati begini.
but still Allah plans the best suit me.^^

k eni's home.

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