the story of midterm school break. i went back to kuantan after 4 months didn't look after them.
alhamdulillah, my suncik is turned out. rasa malu pun ada bila subuh hari pertama, she woke me up, kakak kakak! nak pi masjid dak?
i said ngantokk cik. uhu..
hari kedua: i woke her up^^ yela duluu i bubbled to her about her attitudes, malu la dia lagi bagus dari diri ini.
while waiting papa mend his BMW.^^ |
with beloved papa. my papa quit old oredy.:( aiman sebuk kat belakang.^^ |
tried new scarf mama bought at langkawi.^^ |
we are in the middles of the boys in our family.^^ |
teman tokwan jenjalan.^^ preparing for ramadhan.^^
haha.. gemukkk^^ |
adekk : running man hunters. |
testing ipong mekcik.^^ |
rasa ponink bila depa sume minta awards for their schools achievements. hailoh. doakan kakakmu ini murah rezeki.^^
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